Love O2O

I wasn’t going to write about this drama, but here I am, A LIAR. What I like about this Chinese drama is it’s duality. There are two different and connected worlds in this drama so that at times it feels like you’re in a Chinese fantasy drama when in all actuality, you are in aContinue reading “Love O2O”

Find Yourself Part 2

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD My sister apparently needed to know the ending without watching the series so…. away we go! Where we left off: Fanxing is trying her best at building a relationship with Luming and it’s not working. Because we all know that she does not love him. Her parents tell her to give itContinue reading “Find Yourself Part 2”

Find Yourself

Well, if you are looking for a Chinese drama that is just as bingeworthy as Meteor Garden and infinitely better than Well-Intended Love (seriously, why do people like that drama?), then I have the drama for you. Find Yourself is about He Fanxing, a 32 year old career woman who doesn’t have experience in love.Continue reading “Find Yourself”

Well Intended Love

Every once in awhile a drama takes you on an unexpected journey. This is that drama. Prepare yourself, we are going for a ride! Well Intended Love starts out like any other marriage contract romcom. The main character is the cute Xia Lin, a struggling actress who is just diagnosed with leukemia. She needs aContinue reading “Well Intended Love”

Crash Landing On You Part 2

Spoilers ahead! Okay, it’s been a couple weeks since the series ended. I can confidently say that this is one of the best Korean Dramas I’ve ever watched (and I’ve been into KDramas for over ten years now! I’ve seen many!) and I am not the only one that thinks so! It has gone onContinue reading “Crash Landing On You Part 2”

My Lovely Sam Soon

My Hyun Bin journey continues…. My Lovely Sam Soon is an older drama from fifteen years ago (2005) and it’s one of those dramas that was super popular, still considered one of the most popular Kdramas of all time. It was supposed to be South Korea’s answer to “Bridget Jones’ Diary.” Okay, real talk. IContinue reading “My Lovely Sam Soon”

Secret Garden

I am feeling serious withdrawals after episode 8 of Crash Landing On You. Naturally I remembered one of Hyun Bin’s older dramas that I hadn’t seen in a long time. The first five episodes are pretty typical. Quirky rich department store president in a tacky expensive track suit meets sweet yet badass stuntwoman. Of courseContinue reading “Secret Garden”

Crash Landing On You

I’m going to be completely honest, up until this drama I had been unable to really get into the Netflix Kdramas. I would watch an episode and get bored and move on with my life. I did not have high hopes for Crash Landing On You but I have been surprised and impressed by thisContinue reading “Crash Landing On You”

Pride (2004)

Does anyone else ever think about a drama they haven’t watched in 15 years and think… I wonder if I will still like it as much as I remember liking it the first time. Pride was one such drama I remembered really liking when I first saw it. However, it is difficult finding older dramasContinue reading “Pride (2004)”

Touch Your Heart

Remember in 2018 when we were all still feeling empty because Goblin was a disappointing drama…. We were all obsessed with the relationship between the Goblin and the Grim Reaper (I would watch the crap out of that buddy comedy) and we were all feeling upset after the ending in which the only storyline weContinue reading “Touch Your Heart”

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